
Are you wondering what will happen to the Brisbane property market moving forward?

Updated 28 September 2021

Well… based on how the market has been performing so far it’s likely that will see high double-digit Brisbane house price growth in 2021, with most segments exhibiting strong price appreciation other than the inner city and high-rise apartment market.

And despite Covid related challenges buyers and sellers are still transacting and Brisbane property values:

rose 0.5% in the last week and auction clearance rates were at boom time levels over the weekend

increased 2.0% over the month of July, and

increased 15.9% over the last year.

And there is still plenty of growth left, as Brisbane property is still very affordable compared to the other east coast capital cities.

What a turnaround from all the pessimistic forecasts all the banks made in the middle of last year.

Currently, the Sunshine State capital is shining but it’s not too late to be early in this cycle – there is plenty of growth ahead – for the right properties.

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